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The Sick and the Ugly - Animal Erotic Farms

Last updated: 11 years ago

Munich, Germany -(TerraUS, mhUSA)-
The german government has proposed an amendment to the Animal Welfare Act to ban and make it a crime having sex with animals, --zoophilia by any other name, the move has angered ZETA Zoophiles Committed to Tolerance and Enlightenment--the advocacy group for engaging in the practice of humans having sex with animals commonly known as bestiality.
Animal welfare groups have pushed for legislation that would ban pimping animals for sex in German farmyards, known as erotic zoos or animal brothels, where Zoophiles for a fee would get to ride their favorite goat or pony into an ecstatic climax, practice which has reportedly caused an alarming rise in acts of bestiality the ban would also seek an to put an end to advertising campaigns that use dramatic examples of ʻʻanimal rape,ʼʼ according to the Daily Telegraph.

ʻʻZeta lobbyist Michael Kiok said: ʻʻMere concepts of morality have no business being law.ʼʼ Kiok, who lives with his dog, Cassie, told the Herald Sun there were more than 100,000 zoophiles in Germany. He said he is worried that if the law took effect the authorities would try to take away his dog... sniff, sniff.. ʼʼ

Michael Kiok

The amendment would reinstate a similar German law that existed until 1969, when sex with animals was considered unnatural and was illegal. Bestiality was legalized in Germany in 1969, the same year that gay sex was also removed from the criminal code. After that, sex with animals was only punishable if the animal was severely injured.

The German coalition government has sanctioned a fine of up to EU$25,000 (US $32,000) against anyone who attempts to or performs sexual acts with animals, German Daily Taz reported.

Agriculture minister Ilse Aigner agreed to change the law to make it illegal for people to "use (animals) for their own sexual activities or sexual acts of third parties" - which also bans the ' pimping ' of animals to others.

But pro-zoophilia campaign group ZETA Zoophiles Commitment to Tolerance and Enlightenment, vowed to challenge any ban on bestiality. ZETA lobbyist Michael Kiok said: ʻʻMere concepts of morality have no business being law.ʼʼ Kiok, who lives with his dog, Cassie, told the Herald Sun there were more than 100,000 zoophiles in Germany. He said he is worried that if the law took effect the authorities would try to take away his dog.

The Sick and The Ugly, the Wiki counterpart for the German zoophile community, asserts: "Most people who identify themselves as zoophiles distinguish between zoophilia and bestiality" Zoophiles may draw attention to the distinction between bestiality (an act), and Zoophilia (a sex act with feeelings --the Sick) and to the view that those who have sexual contact with animals without an emotional connection are not zoophiles, the Ugly.

Read more, Carlos Romero ' s case of Donkey sex in Marion County

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