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blogger forced to pay Melania Trump over Prostitution post

Last updated: 7 years ago

New York, NY, -Tuesday, February 07, 2017 -(TerraUS, mhUSA)-
Melania Trump, the United states first lady has won an undisclosed amount of money in a settlement with a Maryland blogger who wrote in his blog that the First Lady once worked as a prostitute. - Does anyone smell a Libtardic blogger?

“The First Lady of the United States has settled her lawsuit against Webster Griffin Tarpley of Maryland,” said Matthew Blackett, one of Mrs. Trump’s attorneys. The blogger, Griffin Tarpley has issued a retraction and apology to Mrs. Trump and her family, and agreed to pay her a substantial sum as a settlement,” Blackett said in a statement.

“I posted an article on August 2, 2016 about Melania Trump that was replete with false and defamatory statements about her. I had no legitimate factual basis to make these false statements and I fully retract them,” it reads.

Griffin Tarpley, the blogger, did not return messages about the settlement, but his attorney confirmed the agreement. The insane mea culpa in song continues in actus revocandi:, “I acknowledge that these false statements were very harmful and hurtful to Mrs. Trump and her family, and therefore I sincerely apologize to Mrs. Trump, her son, her husband and her parents for making these false statements.”

The deal was reached a day after Mrs. Trump sued the Mail Online in New York Supreme Court over a similar claims that she once worked as a high-priced call girl in the 1990s before marrying her husband.

Mr. Griffin hope you have learned your lesson, Melania ' s past has never been an issue, nor was it an issue to the President why should you mind? to harvest views to your second or third rated libtardic blog?

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